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  • Writer's pictureRenee Morel

First Time on Earth (Part 1)

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Each QHHT® session is fascinating and unique, and sometimes the way my clients find me can be equally interesting. Some are already familiar with this technique developed by Dolores Cannon, and feel compelled to experience a session themselves after reading her books or discovering some of her many videos on YouTube. They find me through the QHHT® official website Find a Practitioner search bar.

Others have never heard of the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and arrive at my office through a series of synchronicities. The way this happens is specific to each individual. According to Dolores, everything, including the timing of the session, is being influenced by the client’s subconscious (Higher Self), which sees the big picture. This is sometimes frustrating to the client, because it’s outside their sphere of influence.

Gabriel* is a young professional in his thirties. When he contacted me, he’d already tried hypnosis a few times through other modalities, but it hadn’t been successful. Frustrated, he’d almost given up his quest when a friend gave him my contact information. He didn’t know anything about QHHT® nor Dolores Cannon.

During the interview portion of the session, I reviewed his list of questions and we talked about his life journey. I quickly deduced that he had many things in common with the people Dolores talks about in her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, and in her videos.

Since a very young age, Gabriel felt that he was different. It was difficult for him to be among other humans. He felt as if he had an important mission to accomplish. He felt a deep need, an urgency even, to understand some of his dreams, as well as some of the visions he had experienced in meditation and during an aborted hypnosis session. And so, he was seeking information, confirmation, advice and answers to his long list of questions. And so far, Gabriel’s session has been the longest one I’ve facilitated.

*The client’s name has been changed in order to respect his privacy. I share the excerpts with his permission. This session was conducted in French, which I translated into English from the transcript of the audio recording. I also reorganized some of the material to make the story easier to follow.

Excerpts From Gabriel’s QHHT® Session

R: What’s happening? What do you see?

G: I’m above the Earth. I’m in a ship.

R: What exactly do you see? How do you see the Earth?

G: It’s sort of in the background. I’m kind of alone in front of a big window, looking out at the Earth, but… I feel preoccupied.

R: About what?

G: The burden of work…

R: You’re in front of a window?

G: A window on a ship.

R: OK. Then how do you see the Earth? You’re saying it’s far away…

G: We’re above it. I can see its entire circumference.

R: You say you’re in some kind of ship, what do you mean by that?

G: It’s as if I’m on a work break.

R: And how do you feel? You said you were feeling a burden…

G: Sadness.

R: Why do you feel sad?

G: (Getting emotional). Because there are a lot of people suffering down there.

R: And you, you’re aware … that the people are suffering…

G: (Still emotional). Yeah.

R: That makes you sad?

G: (Even more emotional). Yes.

R: You can watch [the scene] as an observer if you want. You don’t have to feel the emotions if you don’t want to. But you can if you want. It’s your choice.

G: (He sighs).

R: So, what are you doing there, looking down? You mentioned a burden.

G: A brief moment of contemplation. A professional assessment.

R: If you turn away from the window and look around, what does it look like, inside?

G: Long corridors, but I’m alone at the moment (still a bit emotional). This is a time-out, just for me.

R: Are there other windows in the hallway, or is this the only window?

G: No, there are many … here and there.

R: And what does your environment look like … the walls in the corridor, the ceiling?

G: Metallic grey. Corridors, uh… (He makes a sniffling sound and gets hold of his emotions) like, semi-cylindrical.

R: Is there any light? Is it bright? Is it dark?

G: There are ambient lights. It’s kind of soothing to the eyes.


I ask him to look down at his feet, his body and clothes and to describe them for me. He’s wearing small boots, like slippers with flaps, greyish or silver-coloured, with some purple iridescence like a rainbow shimmer. He’s also wearing a simple one-piece uniform, the same colour as his boots. I ask if he’s wearing anything on his head. He says no. I then ask if he can see his face. He answers no, but seems to be getting an image of himself.

In fact, during a QHHT® session, the subconscious/Higher Self only shows you what you are ready to see. There’s still a lot of fear in our collective consciousness about UFO’s, related to movies and books. But in her work, Dolores has discovered there is much to understand about E.T.s, beyond abduction.

I then ask if his body feels male or female, healthy or not. He says it feels male and healthy. When I ask if he feels young or old, he replies that age is a strange concept for him (This will become clearer later when he explains that his body is not biological, but synthetic!).

On the left side of his chest, he’s wearing some type of badge, dark blue with geometrically shaped markings. He explains that this represents his rank, or his professional title, a sign of authority. I then ask him to leave this scene in the corridor and go to the place where he works.

R: How do you occupy your time? What is your job?

G: I am a team leader. It has to do with genetics, I think.

R: Describe your work environment to me…

G: Virtual. It’s kind of like virtual instruments. It’s not necessarily physical, it’s as if… We can use technology to penetrate the memory of time. It’s as if the Akasha [The Akashic Records] is our computer database.

R: Is there any furniture or anything in your workspace?

G: It seems like it’s all done with intent. Instruments for interfacing, maybe, but that’s secondary.

R: Where are you, exactly, in your environment?

G: In front of a console. It’s more like virtual. I log in and … it’s as if it allows me to visualize databases in my psyche.

R: Where’s the console located?

G: It’s in front of me, like a countertop. It’s within reach. I can access databases…

R: So you don’t touch [the console]. You don’t have to press buttons?

G: No, not really.

R: What do you do with that database?

G: Right now, I’m just looking at it. And sometimes, I work with it. I work with it very intensely. It takes up a lot of my intellect … when I plug into the machine.

R: What else do you do to occupy your time?

G: There aren’t many other activities.

R: Do you eat? Do you sleep? Like we do here…

G: There are moments of escape, like meditating. We come back, and we work. It’s a job. It’s not paid work. It’s moral [ethical?] work. It’s … our motives are moral [ethical?].

R: You don’t get paid for your job, in the sense…

G: We have resources, because we … have resources to fulfil our needs. It has nothing to do with the physical [material needs?]. This organization, it’s a collective effort of co-creation… We don’t have a home, a location. We don’t have a place of origin. We’re synthetic, mostly.

R: What do you mean, synthetic?

G: They are synthesized vessels, which facilitate interaction with the physical world.

R: And, what are these vessels made of?

G: Compounds that respond well to impulses, you might describe as … etheric.

R: Can people on Earth see your ships?

G: No. Well, some are aware, but no. There’s nothing of concern to report … in regards to them knowing if we’re intervening.


Eventually, I come to understand that he uses the word “vessel” for “body” as well as for “spaceship”. In order to gather more information about his work, I ask him to leave this scene and go to another time when he is working with his team.

G: They’re like subordinates. And, I always doubt myself, like … (getting emotional). There’s always the risk of making bad decisions. But you have to make decisions anyway.

R: What kind of risks? What do you mean by “a bad decision”?

G: It’s meticulous, genetic work. Code manipulation. Mixing things up.

R: Do you touch the material?

G: It’s done pretty much all virtually.

R: How long have you been doing this work?

G: (Getting emotional again). Millennia… It never ends, but it’s always pretty dynamic. It’s still going on. From the past to the future. Genetics will always be relevant.

R: Why?

G: There’s always something new to create, to mix, to refine, to improve, to repair. (Emotional, he sniffles.)

R: Repair what?

G: The Earth. (Still emotional.) There’s been some damage. Damage to the genetics of the population, through nuclear power.

R: What do you mean?

G: Humans have been dropping bombs. We have to fix it. To prevent an exponential … degeneration.


In “The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth”, and some of her other books, Dolores discovered that some of her clients were experiencing their very first incarnation on Earth.

They’d lived lives on other planets, on spaceships, or existed as energetic beings in other dimensions.

All had chosen to come here to help raise the vibration of human consciousness on the planet, in order to prevent its destruction, and the consequences that would ensue.

It seems that when humans started playing with nuclear power in the middle of the 20th century, a call was sent out to attract a large number of souls to Earth (hence the arrival of the first wave of volunteers, which coincided with the baby boom after World War II). Since everything is energy and everything is interconnected—as quantum physics asserts—what humans do with nuclear power could have devastating repercussions beyond the Earth itself.

And, just as in the Star Trek TV series, there seems to be a “prime directive” that forbids interference with the evolution of a planet’s population. Hence, the call for incarnation into human bodies to change the course of events. An “inside job” if you will. As I mentioned in the introduction, Gabriel was not aware of the volunteer phenomenon, or the work of Dolores Cannon.


R: What happened when the humans dropped atomic bombs? What were the consequences?

G: The radiation that hits and destroys all virtual databases…

R: What do you mean by “database”?

G: The genes, the genome.

R: Because we know that the victims of an atomic bomb … that people who are going to die of radiation…

G: This is a terrible wrong, because it destroys the automated mechanisms in the creation of a body, in which consciousness incarnates.

R: So, it doesn’t just affect the people that… I’m trying to understand what you mean, because when there’s an atomic bomb, there are victims…

G: There’s a potential that is diminished. Not necessarily the victims, themselves. Yes, there is suffering when people are incarnated, but those are potential. Physical bodies are potential vessels. So, the higher the quality of the physical vessels, the better the experience will be. But, if the vessels become damaged, the experience is destroyed … is damaged, broken, diminished.

R: OKAY. So have you been above the Earth, working on this for a long time?

G: No.

R: When did you arrive?

G: The need.

R: Because you said you’ve been on that ship for millennia, working on a genetic project…

G: We travel through space.

R: And you say you arrived recently. Has it been a long time?

G: No. Decades.

R: So did you come after the nuclear bombs?

G: Yes. We had to come.

R: Who told you to come?

G: It’s about morality [ethics?]

R: So, you’re here with a team?

G: I am not alone. It’s a team … we have a moral duty to preserve.

R: These subordinates that work with you… Is it a big team that you manage, or a small team?

G: Directly, a few members, but also subordinates … everyone has their own tasks.

R: On the Earth project in particular?

G: (Sighs). It’s complex. There are several projects … you choose which one you want to work on.

R: Which is the most important one that we need to know about today?

G: (Deep breath and pause). Incarnation. There are several parallel projects.

R: And you, are you working on several projects?

C: Yes … well, we work … there are several of us. It’s a team project.

R: Is it the first time you’ve come into the Earth’s orbit?

G: Yes. I knew about Earth. There are automated mechanisms in the genetics here that can repair themselves, but it isn’t enough. There are groups involved … with artificial intelligence from our generation, our design, that are working to make better combinations to compensate for the damages.

R: And how is the project progressing?

G: It is and it isn’t. Some of the genes, shall we say, have merit. Kind of like champion genes, which need to be increased in proportion to the population.

R: How is that done?

G: A huge competition … because we’re not the only ones involved in genetics…

There’s like a battle. Who will succeed … in getting a better [gene] pool?

R: So why is it important to intervene on Earth like this?

G: Because the suffering is vibrating beyond the Earth.

R: Was the suffering there before the atomic bombs?

G: Exacerbated with the bombs…

R: You were saying that some things were going really … were moving forward…

G: The champion genes.

R: So how do you interact with the humans on Earth … in respect to these genes?

G: This is not my responsibility; others are taking care of that. It’s like a virtual reality interface, and the manipulation of a database, and working with artificial intelligence.

R: It’s like a program?

G: A computer that interacts with thought.

R: You mentioned that other teams are working on transferring this to the human population?

G: They’re testing it, sampling within the population.

R: How do they do the sampling?

G: It’s not my responsibility … it’s complicated.

R: Try to explain it to me, as simply as possible.

G: There are interactions with the intelligent minds incarnated into the bodies, … which has also had an effect on gene expression. So, it can distort the results, but it can also confirm the results.

R: So, you’re measuring whether it’s working or not?

G: We’re monitoring. So, when there is a greater harmonization, or an increase in coherence, it’s working. When there is degeneration, disturbance, loss of functionality, it isn’t working.

R: Are you still doing tests at this time?

G: Yes. But this kind of lab work is far beyond the capacity of understanding, one could say, of an average earthling. And, in my life on Earth, I’ve already had… I’ve visited during my mental travels [meditation] these comput … genetic labs … inside the nuclei, the core. It’s like … in the centre of a computer, there’s a core. Well, at the centre of the cell, there’s a nucleus. That’s where all the intelligence happens, and the whole expression of the cell is the result of what happens at its centre. Genetics is what’s at the centre. It’s like master control. It’s where intelligence is expressed. That’s where the information comes in and goes out, and the output commands determine if the cell is working … if the organism is working, or not.

R: And you … have you ever come down to Earth?

G: That’s why … (becoming emotional) I was contemplative [at the beginning when he was looking at the Earth from the window in the spaceship].

R: Why were you contemplative?

G: Because, I chose to come down.

End of Part 1


In Part 2, I discover that the being I am conversing with is also the client’s subconscious (Higher Self). In addition to answering the many questions Gabriel brought to the session—including his mission as a human—the synthetic/extraterrestrial being will reveal more details about his team’s mission in the spacecraft and their work monitoring the human bodies, in which some of them have incarnated on Earth.


Copyright © 2020 Renée Morel. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and that you include the URL link to this page.

Images: Pixabay (Royalty Free)

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